Tuesday 30 April 2013

The Legendary Hoan Kiem Lake

Hoan Kiem Lake at night
Night view of Hoan Kiem Lake
As soon as we walked out from our hotel, we realised that January winter was really cold when it rained although we were wrapped in wool sweater and scarves. Thank goodness, we did not experience teeth chattering but our palms were indeed ice cold. We walked briskly to Hoan Kiem Lake or Lake of the Restored Sword with an umbrella based on the direction given by the hotel staff.
The Huc Bridge
The Huc Bridge that serves as a pedestrian bridge links to Ngoc Son Temple 
The lake was a gem in Hanoi. It was in the Old Quarter area and it was a mere five-minute walk from Hanoi A1 Hotel, where we stayed. This was the first tourist attraction that we visited in Hanoi. An obvious landmark of the lake was the Huc Bridge, red wooden pedestrian bridge linking to Ngoc Son Temple which was on an islet. Do you know that Hoan Kiem lake is said to be the habitat to a very large species of tortoise or turtle? Well, a display of the preserved carcass is being exhibited at the temple's souvenir shop.
Red leaves by the lake
Red leaves swaying at the lake
Below was the souvenir shop next to the lake. It was packed with souvenirs such as the water puppets, non las, fans, and other knickknacks. 
Souvenir shop at Hoan Kiem Lake
Souvenir shop next to the lake
Opposite the lake, there were tube houses with most of them had been turned into cafes, restaurants and business outlets.
Tube houses opposite Hoan Kiem Lake
Tube houses opposite the lake
We strolled around the lake area almost every night we were in Hanoi. It was a good place for exercise and also romantic date. A common sight in the evening at Hoan Kiem Lake was couples cuddling and kissing. However, it was rare sight for us as we were not used to seeing this kind of public affection in Malaysia. Every now and then, there would be a vendor approaching and selling things like roses.

Besides strolling, we brought along the tripod and an SLR. Capturing night views of the lake was challenging but equally rewarding. It was also not unusual to see many other photographers like us there. Below is the photo of Ngoc Son Temple lit up at night.
Ngoc Son temple at night
Ngoc Son Temple at night 
This is the Tortoise or Turtle Tower (pic below) which is only accessible by boat. There was one night we observed devotees of this mystical tower being brought by a boatman to this place. The boatman needed to make a few trips as his boat was able to accommodate only a few passengers at a time.
Tortoise / Turtle Tower
Tortoise / Turtle Tower at night
Dinh Lang Restaurant is located by the lake. I believe the diners will have a magnificent view of the lake although we did not manage to dine here.  
Dinh Lang restaurant by Hoan Kiem Lake
The colourful reflection of lights from Dinh Lang Restaurant by the lake
Tet New Year was just round the corner. We were lucky to see the Old Quarter being lit up. The streets around the lake were decorated with lanterns and led lights. We were also thrilled to see real plum blossom bushes adorning the lake. Yes, they were blooming as Tet New Year (which also corresponded with Chinese New Year and spring season) was near.
Lights up for Tet New Year
Newly put up street lights and decorations for Tet New Year
Plum blossom
Real plum blossoms by the roadside 
The lake area was transformed into a flower garden within days. 
Flower garden, Hoan Kiem Lake
Flower garden by the lake
a board decorated with flowers
A signboard decorated with flowers
I am not sure what this arch is. Anyway, it looks historic.
historic arch at Hoan Kiem Lake
An historical arch at the lake area
Last but not least, Hoan Kiem Lake offers the locals and tourists a place close to nature amidst the busy and noisy neighbourhood across the road. 

Safety Concern:
It is common to see lone local ladies hanging around the lake area near midnight. But of course, again everywhere we go, we should try to be vigilant at all times.  

Electric Car:
At the lake area (opposite of Thanglong Water Puppet Theatre at Dinh Tien Hoang Street), we went to check out the electric car booth for the fare. It was 250,000 dong (RM 36.25) per car per hour.  The passengers were allowed to alight at two or three attractions to take photos. There were three routes to choose from but they only covered the Old Quarter area.  Actually, we only hired this car on our last day to see the rest of the Old Quarter.  
Electric car, Old Quarter
Electric cars waiting for passengers in front of the lake
We also thought of hiring the electric car at West Lake (in front of Tran Quoc Pagoda) but they did not want to operate as lack of passengers. The fare was higher than the one at the Old Quarter. We also thought of hiring the whole car but maybe due to communication problem, we did not manage to do that.  More information about the electric car : http://www.vietnamonline.com/destination/hanoi/electric-car-tour.html )

Address of Dinh Lang Restaurant1, Le Thai To Street, Hoan Kiem Lake, Hanoi.

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