Friday 15 February 2013

Picturesque Countryside in Perlis

Perlis countryside
My favourite shot: fishing boats lining the stream in the evening
Perlis state is unique in the sense that it boasts both paddy fields and fishing villages side by side.
Perlis countryside
Green green paddy 
After visiting Perlis Snake and Reptile Farm, it was already evening and we drove all the way to the coast of Perlis hoping to catch the beautiful view of the countryside and in particular, paddy fields and fishing villages.
Perlis countryside
It must have been blissful to have your house surrounded by green paddy field
Perlis countryside
Irrigation canal in the middle of the paddy field
Perlis countryside
I believe that is where the harvested rice is sent to
If the sky was clear, we could see beautiful sunset by the beach. Since it was a rainy season, the day was cloudy and windy and probably, there would be a downpour. So, it was tough luck to view any sunset that day.
Perlis countryside
A breathtaking view of paddy field with the mountain range in the background
Perlis countryside
Green and yellow paddy field
We find that the rice planting season here is similar to those in Sekinchan, Selangor. So, if you are lazy like us to drive all the way to Sekinchan, then head north to Perlis.  The view of these paddy fields will not disappoint you.
Perlis countryside
Bright yellow paddy field signifies harvesting period (in December)
Although the weather was gloomy, we did not give up hope of capturing photos of picturesque fishing villages in Kuala Sungai Baru which was situated to the south of Kuala Perlis.
Perlis countryside
Food stalls by the roadside at the coastal road
Perlis countryside
Going fishing, anyone?
Perlis countryside
Some boats anchoring 
From Kangar, we started heading towards Kuala Perlis and Kuala Sanglang. The road signs were quite clear, so we just followed them. Finally, we reached the fishing village and saw many fishing boats along the stream.
Perlis countryside
A peek of the fishing boats from the side of the stilt house
Perlis countryside
Fishermen at work
Perlis countryside
Fishing boats lining neatly along the stream
Capturing the photo below was rather dangerous as we were standing in the middle of the busy road-cum-bridge with many vehicles passing by us.
Perlis countryside
A fishing boat in action
Later, we headed back to Kuala Perlis and dined in Hai Thien Restaurant, a popular seafood restaurant with the locals and tourists.

Take the Changlun-Kuala Perlis Highway and head towards Kuala Perlis and later, look for signage to Kuala Sanglang and Kuala Sungai Baru. The paddy fields are on your left along the coastal road and the fishing village is on the right when you reach Kuala Sungai Baru.

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