Monday 26 November 2012

Dining at Lumut Waterfront Marina Wing

Marina Wing area
"When you expect less, you will get more" That is what I always tell myself. True enough, it actually happens all the time.
The aquatic theme design at Lumut Waterfront Marina Wing
The anchor roundabout 
We went to check out Lumut Waterfront Marina Wing at night. There was a big playground for children and there were many families with children there even though it was night. The place was illuminated by several spotlights to give the place some light. Near to the playground was a Malay eating place with a few Malay food and drink stalls.
Children playing in the playground after dinner
The highlight of the day was the eating place was facing Rahmat Maritime Museum. Wow! What a fantastic view. It was quite dark though. However, we could still see the outline of Rahmat warship in the night. The place was actually open air and luckily for both nights we were there, the rain came later in the night when we had finished our meals.
The Malay food stalls at Marina Wing
Do you see the Rahmat warship in the background?
The 'regular ABC' (or ais kacang) (a dessert of shaved ice with ingredients) at this place is a must-try. It is definitely different from Penang style ais kacang. One thing for sure was the shaved ice did not melt so quickly. We also noticed that the shaved ice was hard enough and it was higher than the cup. When we dug into our ABC, we found a bunch of delicious ingredients like crunchy peanuts, cendol, sago, cincau/grass jelly, sweet corns and a scoop of ice-cream. It was flavoured with red syrup and milk. It was only RM 2 for that cup of ABC.
I prefer this one: the 'regular ABC'
We dreamed of the ABC again the next night. So, we went there again to eat our dinner. We ordered fried rice with chicken and also two 'special ABCs'. The differences between this special and the regular one were the 'special ABC' had all the ingredients of the 'regular ABC' plus another scoop of ice-cream, a little cherry on top and a love letter biscuit. It was RM 3. However, I found that although 'special ABC' had the extra stuffs but all the peanuts, corns, cendol, grass jelly and sago were lesser in quantity as compared to the 'regular ABC'.
The 'special ABC'
Our simple and satisfying dinner
The fried rice with chicken was good too. It was a Malay style fried rice that came with a few pieces of marinated chicken in sauce and also a small bowl of soup. It was only RM 4. We were very satisfied with the portion and the taste.
The Marina Wing building
If you are looking for good food and on a budget, try this place. It has a scenic view of Rahmat warship in the background. You can enjoy cool sea breeze and a romantic dinner under the street lights.
The fish tail of Marina Wing
On the downside of this place:
The place was poorly lit especially on our second night there. I guess one of the spotlights went kaput. We actually ate our dinner in the dark.

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